
What a difference a (satur)day can make! The sun is shining, my husband and oldest daughter are around to help take care of the kids and I finally broke down and started using paper plates-just for some of the summer meals. Today feels like summer. This morning I actually heard the little ones playing nicely and laughing together in my son's room. We just stood in the hallway and listened for a moment quietly as not to jinx it.
And joy of joys, the baby has entered the phase where she actually wants to be helpful with things like picking up toys and throwing away trash (along with keys, cellphones and whatever else left nearby-we are working on it). My heart sings when I look up to see one child sweeping and the other holding the dust pan, no matter where the dirt actually lands.
Those moments when my children are all happy at the same time and actually getting along really make my day.


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