Happy Handwashing

We just received an automated message from our sons school-never a good thing. The recording stated that our little charter school had at least one confirmed case of H1N1 flu. This prompted me to immediately call our family pediatrician and offer up our last born child in exchange for any sort of flu vaccine she might be able to provide-none available, which I vaguely remembered hearing on the news. Our holistic, herbal alternative orientated pediatrician suggested dousing the children in Purell, avoiding anyone with a cough and as many people as possible just to be on the safe side. She also strongly suggested keeping our asthmatic, allergic son home from school until what she felt strongly would soon be an outbreak was controlled.

I have been on lock-down at home with the baby for the past week. The food allergy/weight gain issues came to a screeching halt in May and the baby landed in the hospital for five days. With one week until the colonoscopy/endoscopy procedures, both doctors asked that we keep the baby home and away from crowds for the time being. We have been passing time by counting calories (hers), playing with every toy in the house and experimenting with vegan baking (me). Last night I literally ran from the house when my husband got home and drove to the calming oasis of Whole Foods at 9pm.

Holding on, one bottle of Neocate away from a breakdown, now swine flu arrives. My circle of hell is complete.


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